Saint Lucia
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UWP Gives SLP a Failing Grade Over its Two-Year Performance

Second Deputy Political Leader of the UWP Dominic Fedee
Second Deputy Political Leader Dominic Fedee

The United Workers Party is describing the performance of the ruling Saint Lucia Labour Party as disastrous and destructive.

The main opposition party formed this impression as a result of what it called “the background of The Labour Party’s multiple failures in a number of areas of national importance.” At a press conference on Wednesday, the party criticized the government’s handling of crime, the economy, healthcare, and the rising cost of living as areas where the incumbent party has failed the people of Saint Lucia.

First Deputy Leader Guy Joseph noted that the Labour Party’s plan to celebrate their 2nd anniversary victory is a plan to celebrate nothing. He said “they are going to Micoud to celebrate nothing; they have accomplished nothing, they are a nothing government,” Joseph asserted. 

Second Deputy Political Leader Dominic Fedee also castigated the Labour Party for what he claimed was poor management of the global inflation crisis. Fedee suggested that the government is among the worst in the OECS in handling the global phenomenon, which has generated unprecedented increases in basic commodities. Fedee argues, “They have allowed the prices of bread, gas, bus fares, electricity, and all the things we need to survive to get out of control. They have picked up a record number of taxes, even though the prices in the supermarket are sky-high. They have since instituted a 2.5% health and security levy on the backs of all of us,” noted the former Tourism Minister. 

Party Pro Lenard “Spider” Montoute used his time at the podium to give the government an F Grade for their performance. According to Montoute, “the gun violence in this country is among the highest in the history of its existence. The government needs to look from within and set an example by beginning to fight crime by taking a look within their own government,” Montoute says. 

The recent letter from the Caribbean Police Welfare Association also gained attention during the UWP press conference, debunking suggestions that the Labour Party has succeeded in managing the country in the last two years. Senator Phera Polius believes that to solve crime, an investigation on sexual harassment within the police force must be launched. 

The Chairman of the United Workers Party, Therold Prudent, was also on hand, and he vehemently criticized the administration for its handling of the health sector. 

The United Workers Party has vowed to continue mounting strong opposition to the current regime’s failures on a number of vexing issues of importance via town hall meetings island-wide.