Saint Lucia
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UBUNTU Movement Inc. Launches “Seeds for Justice: Peace and Economic Prosperity in St. Lucia Initiative”

The UBUNTU Movement Inc. is set to launch its “Seeds for Justice: Peace and Economic Prosperity in Saint Lucia Initiative,” to be held on May 30 at the Workforce Development Centre, Bruceville, Vieux Fort.

The “Seeds for Justice: Peace and Economic Prosperity in St. Lucia Initiative” is a collaborative consultancy group intent on facilitating restorative social justice and healing across Saint Lucia , beginning with the Vieux Fort community.

The collaboration includes The UBUNTU Movement, Citizens for Peace and Prosperity (Dr. Stephen King) and Safe Spaces (Betty Jean). Also in attendance, will be The Collective: 100 hours Volunteer Champions (Andre Dhanpaul), concerned community leaders and residents from Bruceville, Westhal and Martin Luther King Street.

Also included are the dynamic women of these communities who were among the first to respond to the call for the cessation in reprisal violence and conflict within the Vieux Fort community.

Cognizant of the increasing inter-community violence in the Vieux Fort region since last December, the authorities took decisive action which over the past four  weeks has resulted in reduction of the spike in violence.

A spokesperson for the group stated that the “reduction is a direct result of interventions and other deliberate community initiatives organized by the leadership of The UBUNTU Movement, Citizens for Peace and Prosperity and Safe Spaces”.

The statement adds: “We are now advancing to the next levels of community engagements, where we inform the caring citizens of St. Lucia of our progress and what is at stake and invite their participation in the solutions for a peaceful and progressive nation.

“It is our collective sentiment that the good people of St. Lucia, and Vieux Fort in particular are the catalyst and ambassadors for the sowing and maturing of the “Seeds for Justice: Peace and Economic Prosperity in St. Lucia.”