Saint Lucia
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Saint Lucian Carnival – Debauchery at Its Best

SAINT LUCIA Carnival is often described as a celebration of culture, one of the best and most vibrant celebrations you’ll ever come across, carnival enthusiasts have said, and the latter is quite true.

Scintillating costumes with eye-catching feathers, what seems like an explosion of colour, infectious power and Soca beats, and utter “chaos” can all be expected at Lucian carnival.

Women with well-defined bodies can usually be seen on Carnival Monday and Tuesday, and they are usually so mesmerizing and so curvaceous it’s hard for some individuals to avert their gaze.

The costumes they opt for usually leaves nothing to the imagination and commands the attention of every onlooker. And yes, if you’re not strong enough, you just might salivate. 

It All Began In 1947.

In Saint Lucia, carnivals became an organized festival after World War II. That’s according to In fact, the website points out, the first celebration was recorded in 1947 “when a small group of people dressed in ragged clothes began to beat out rhythms on bottles and pieces of steel as they paraded through Castries. People soon joined in the impromptu parade which ended at the home of Derek and Roddy Walcott on Chaussee Road.” 

Carnival has changed considerably over the years, and participants and even some spectators for the most part, have welcomed the change. But how on earth it’s deemed a celebration of culture, confounds me entirely, unless our culture of course is a celebration of filth.

I have read numerous Facebook posts—some in favour of carnival, and some opposing it completely. In fact, this is an annual debate, one some individuals look forward to every year.

 A number of individuals who are in favour of carnival have rained fire and brimstone on those who oppose it, and the opposite can be said as well. To be clear, some individuals who are against carnival have displayed the same ruthless behaviour, calling revellers out on social media for their lewd conduct.

The argument never gets old. And those who are audacious enough to call out revellers for their behaviour are often greeted with a barrage of insults, and are often viewed as “archaic”, “closed minded”, “bad minded” and a downright stick in the mud. 

What confounds me, though it should not, is how we’re unable to have a civil debate on the matter. When individuals express their disapproval for carnival, they are often sliced, diced and dissected in a million ways and told to “shut up” because their opinions are not welcomed. 

Like someone pointed out in a recent Facebook post, those who are in favour of carnival, like some members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community, often force their opinions down the throats of others. 

And of course, if you’re speaking out against carnival—if you’re merely calling a spade, a spade, then surely, you (the individual on the other side of the argument), are doing the same. That, unfortunately, is the mindset some have adopted. 

How our leaders—some at least, can support such debauchery is beyond me. But then again, carnival is one of our greatest revenue earners and in today’s society money takes the centerstage. (Sex comes right after although some might argue it’s the other way around). 

During carnival season, soca music dominates the airwaves. (It also gets its fair share of airplay before carnival and after carnival as well.) 

The filth that permeates the airwaves during that time is absolutely revolting. But never mind me, what about our kids? 

Sadly, so many adults are quick to defend this kind of behaviour and have a million reasons why this should persist. What are we teaching our children who we so often and rightly point out are the leaders of tomorrow? 

The garbage our children consume on a regular basis is saddening and infuriating at times. How are we supposed to grow as a society when we are hellbent on clinging to destruction?

How on earth do we expect to raise respectable young men and women when we teach them to do the very things they ought to refrain from? 

Our society is rapidly decaying and we need to do something about it quickly.