Saint Lucia
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Rovergate and Fredgate Take Center Stage

ST LUCIA today appears to be excelling in a new form of gateways which are only accessible to certain individuals but not quite certain to which direction it will eventually lead us to. But one thing we do know, there will be many surprises in waiting.  Rovergate has seen the first, second and third part of the serial based on supposed allegations, then came a Kangaroo court case and thirdly a ruling by both the OECS Court of Appeal and the Privy Council ruling in favour of the Opposition Leader.

The fourth part of the serial is yet to unfold by way of a case management to address the decision of the Kangaroo Court attended by the PM, the Speaker and Deputy PM.

The end of July will be the big one against the Speaker for overextending his powers in issuing instructions to unlawfully detain the Opposition Leader.  The seriousness of this issue has the legal minds hard at work and that decision may have implications for a wayward Speaker and by extension implications for the treasury.

Based on the recognized impending defamation law, a number of pending cases can now move forward, three of which are directed against Castries Central MP and have been considered most interesting while some extraordinary surprises are in the making.  All going according to plan. St Lucia may very well be on track to witness positive changes in the way the lies and defamation have assisted certain politicians in destroying the characters of others.  Word on the ground indicates that a team of lawyers have finally gotten together to scrutinize the details surrounding the Bannane’s affair.  If correct, this is likely to have implications for the government and place the prime minister under enormous stress based on his commitment that any Minister deemed to be corrupt will be dismissed.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that the opposition has presented valuable information pertaining to certain Members of Parliament, the PM has turned a blind eye, but rest assured, these concerns are unlikely to disappear like Grinberg and others.  The time has come that when evidence of wrongdoing is reported there should be a semblance of action to determine the veracity of the case.  Saint Lucia has seen its fair share of squandamania in allowing these actions to continue, while the cost to our treasury keeps mounting.