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Resorts Jade Mountain, Anse Chastanet and NWU Hold Talks

A view from Jade Mountain
A view from Jade Mountain

THE Leadership of the National Workers Union (NWU) with the Shop Stewards and the Management of Anse Chastanet and Jade Mountain Resorts held discussions Wednesday July 25, 2023.

The exercise was geared at examining a number of matters brought to the attention of the Company by the Union. These included Service Charge, Productivity, Workers Personal Development and the overall operations of the Resort. The talks were quite productive and achieved mutual consensus which would ultimately redound to the best interest of the workers and the company’s operations.

The parties agreed to formalize the results of that engagement and keep the communications lines open. Going forward a joint session will be held with all workers to keep them abreast with developments.

Anse Chastanet and Jade Mountain Resorts operate in the Soufriere tourism belt and the National Workers Union has been the bargaining representative for workers employed therein for over twenty-five years. The company was represented by Karyn Allard, Owner’s Representative and Denise Collymore, Human Resource Manager.