Saint Lucia
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PM Pierre Issues statement on Shooting of Customs Officer

Prime Minister, Philip Pierre – Today I met with officers of the Customs and Excise Department to show solidarity after the vicious attack of one of their colleagues. I strongly condemn the recent shooting of a dedicated customs officer, an individual who was simply carrying out their duty to protect our borders and ensure the safety of our communities. This act of violence is not only a senseless act but also an attack on the very fabric of law and order that holds our society together.

It is deeply troubling that such an incident has occurred, and it is our collective responsibility to stand against any form of violence targeting those who serve and protect. I wish to extend my best wishes to the officer as he receives medical attention. My thoughts are with his family, friends, and colleagues during this difficult time.

Furthermore, I strongly denounce any glorification or encouragement of violence and criminality from any individual, including public figures and those entrusted to represent the people of this country. Words have power, and leaders must use their platform responsibly, promoting unity, respect, and peaceful solutions to conflicts.

I trust that the authorities will continue to thoroughly investigate this incident and others that have plagued our country, and bring the perpetrators to justice. I have committed to deploying local, regional and international resources to arrest these cowardly attacks. At no point should these criminals feel so emboldened and we will redouble our efforts to ensure that justice is served.

Violence has no place in this country. It is through a collective effort, rooted in compassion and respect for one another, that we can build a safer and more harmonious society for all. I will continue to support our law enforcement agencies by providing them with the necessary resources to ensure citizen security. Let us practice and demand a culture of peace, tolerance, and appreciation for those who dedicate their lives to public service.