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OECS Niche Tourism Branded Products Unveiled


Contracted by the OECS Commission to conceptualise, develop and execute niche tourism packages for the OECS islands, Accela Marketing on Thursday June 8, 2023, together with the OECS Commission, unveiled the niche tourism packages at a media marketplace of over 60 attendees, held during Caribbean Week in New York.

Unveiled to the media was “Soulful Caribbean Escapes” vacation packages offering customised, authentic, immersive, travel experiences in multiple islands as part of one vacation. This umbrella brand Fulfill Your Soul encapsulates three branded packages– the culinary tourism niche market named as Feed your Soul, the wellness niche market called Heal your Soul and the digital nomad niche named Free your Soul.

Accela Marketing’s assignment from the OECS was derived from the recognition that typical post-Covid visitors now want meaningful, sustainable, experiential travel which contribute to local economies.

Accela’s work involved consultations with the eight OECS islands along with thorough desk research the key findings of which indicated that there is a renewed emphasis on food-focused travel, wellness and self-care on vacation, and traveling off the beaten path.

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Following the selection of niches, Accela Marketing conducted a series of product evaluations in each OECS island and from this, created sample travel itineraries. A comprehensive digital marketing strategy was also developed which includes social media marketing, the creation of a website with search engine optimized copy, paid online advertising, as well as the online engagement and mobilization of the travel trade.

The presentation of the packages at the Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO) Media Marketplace during Caribbean Week was a soft launch to generate awareness, with the packages expected to go on sale in the fall.

“Reflected in the design are the key tenets of sustainability, social consciousness and digitization, which we are confident will resonate strongly with today’s traveler and help sustain the brand for years to come” says Accela Marketing’s Managing Director, Agnes Francis.

Accela Marketing is proud to play its part in this landmark project and it is the hope that through targeted marketing efforts and collaboration with industry partners, the OECS can establish itself as a leading destination for niche tourism, fostering sustainable growth and preserving its unique offerings for generations to come.