Saint Lucia
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Guy Joseph Calls Out SLP Over Plan For Election Victory Celebration In Micoud South – St. Lucia Times

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The 1st Deputy political leader of the opposition United Workers Party (UWP) has criticised the ruling Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) over its plan to celebrate its election victory in Micoud South.

UWP leader Allen Chastanet is the MP for the constituency.

“When your report card is blank, if they go to one of their stronghold constituencies, what can they show that they have done for the people there?” Guy Joseph told the radio programme Newsspin this week.

The former Castries South East MP asserted that the labour party’s choice of Micoud South is strategic.

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According to Joseph, it does not matter what the SLP says there because Micoud South is not a constituency that labour represents.

“They have totally neglected this constituency like they have done their own constituencies. So at the end of the day when they go there they can talk any amount of nonsense they want. It doesn’t impact anybody anyhow,” the former Economic Development Minister stated.

Joseph questioned what Castries East MP and Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre would be able to report to the people of that constituency after two years in office if the SLP were to hold its planned election victory celebration there or in any other labour constituency.

Pierre has announced plans for a ‘massive’ celebration in the constituency of Micoud South on July 30 to mark two years since his party won the July 26, 2021, general elections.

“We have not had time to celebrate our victory,” Pierre told reporters on Monday.

As a result, he disclosed that  the SLP will hold a massive thanksgiving rally.

See also

And the Castries East MP extended an invitation to all SLP supporters and all Saint Lucians to attend.

However, Pierre dismissed suggestions that there was any significance to choosing Micoud South for the SLP election victory celebration.

“Micoud South is part of Saint Lucia. We are an inclusive government,” he explained.

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