Saint Lucia
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ASP Sean Alexander Files Criminal Complaint Over ‘Reckless And False’ Social Media Posts – St. Lucia Times

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Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Sean Alexander says he has filed a criminal complaint over ‘reckless and false’ allegations against him in his capacity as Officer in Charge of Immigration.

Alexander said it came to his attention that Minerva Ward made certain widely circulated ‘scandalous and outrageous’ statements about him.

“I take these defamatory allegations seriously and have promptly instructed my lawyers to take the appropriate action seeking an immediate retraction and apology by Ms. Ward to be published similarly to the false statements she made about me,” the senior police officer said in a statement.

The complete statement appears below:

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Saint Lucia, June 9, 2023, It has come to my attention that Minerva Ward, who holds herself out to be a blogger, political activist, or commentator, has made certain scandalous and outrageous statements about me in my capacity as Officer (Assistant Superintendent) in Charge of Immigration.

These reckless and false statements included a picture of me and my name.

The distasteful post by Ms. Ward on her Facebook page has since been republished on various forms of social and electronic media.

These lies, I am informed, were also widely published on the following political Facebook Groups; ‘Supporters of the United Workers Party’ with 5,300 followers, ‘United Pac Saint Lucia’ with 18,000 followers and Citizens for Accountability and Progress’ (CAP) with 8,000.00 followers.

It has also been published widely through personal WhatsApp forwards.

Having read the said post, it is clear that Ms. Ward deliberately made these totally false accusations against me, attaching my picture, with the calculated intention to cause serious harm to my character and my reputation to score political points or social media relevancy.

The scandalous content of the post, coupled with the magnitude of its vast publication, has caused severe damage to my otherwise unblemished character and reputation as a civil servant with over 34 years of service to my country.

I want to categorically deny the allegations made by Ms. Ward against me in her desperate attempt for political relevance or “likes”.

I take these defamatory allegations seriously and have promptly instructed my lawyers to take the appropriate action seeking an immediate retraction and apology by Ms. Ward to be published similarly to the false statements she made about me.

I have also filed the necessary complaints under the Criminal Code and Electronic Crimes Act.

See also

While I encourage healthy debate on political and public issues as partof the right to freedom of expression and speech, these rights must be exercised responsibly.

I will not become collateral damage.

Ms. Ward clearly has no regard for the truth or the hurt and damage caused by her unsubstantiated and irresponsible claims to me and my family.

She has shown political immaturity and reckless disregard for my reputation and has spewed vile, scandalous, and defamatory statements about my good name.

Ms. Ward’s failure to allow me to refute these false allegations can only be taken as intentional. This cannot go uncorrected.

I will not stand for this, and I intend to pursue this matter against Ms. Ward vigorously and to the fullest extent of the Law.

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