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VANGO join DSPPAC for Mapping Exercise

The Vanuatu Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (VANGO) is collaborating with the Department of Strategy Policy, Planning & Aid Coordination Unit (DSPPAC) to initiate a mapping exercise in all six provinces, starting this month.

The Government aims to improve visibility over the activities of different non-state actors/ Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), and to enable improved coordination and collaboration between non-state actors/CSOs. The VANGO mapping exercise will be focusing on updating the map by registering new CSOs, identifying the CSOs’ capacities and needs to effectively operate and implement their programs and services.

“We want to see more CSOs’ roles being visible and viable in the communities to provide extended support to where the government could not reach,” Chairman of VANGO, William Nasak, highlighted.

Mr. Nasak further explained that CSOs/& Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in the community should be visible, viable, and resourced so when a disaster hit the country, the community can mobilize resources and be at the forefront leading humanitarian assistance rather the traditional way of sourcing support and human resources from Vila or internationally.

Government partnership with VANGO through DSSPAC is very important to strengthen coordination in ensuring incoming CSOs aid from donors whether through humanitarian aid assistance or other sectors are addressing the National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP). Director of DSPPAC Mr. John Ezra emphasized the importance of good collaboration and working to complement the government services as opposed to duplication of activities by the CSOs.

VANGO developed its first Map in 2019, funded by the Save the Children which outlined the CBOs, NGOs, and the MEGA Map of all CSOs. The initial map highlights all CSOs various sectors and thematic areas within the six provinces of Vanuatu. The Map is to provide better understanding of which organisation activities and a visual map identifying where all organisations are operating and what they are doing on the ground to avoid duplication and overlap of non-State actors/CSOs on the ground.

VANGO encourages all CSOs operating in all provinces within the category of International NGOs, National NGOs and Community Based or Faith based to come forward to register and participate. Similarly, it applies to all entities operating under the charitable Act.

Photo Caption: Members of VANGO with the Department of Strategy Policy, Planning & Aid Coordination Unit.