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OACPS summit backs Vanuatu's climate change push

The 76 member states of the Organisation of the African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) says it supports Vanuatu's push for an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice to protect the rights of people against the effects of climate ch

Secretary General, Georges Rebelo Chikoti told the Pacific News Agency at the 10th OACPS summit in Luanda, Angola that Vanuatu's climate change initiative is very important to member states.

Last week Vanuatu published a draft UN resolution requesting an advisory opinion from the Court on states' legal obligation for climate action and the consequences of causing harm.

While the court, which is the UN's main judiciary arm, has no binding authority, its opinion could inform lawsuits around the world and strengthen vulnerable countries' positions in international negotiations.

The draft resolution aims to establish the legal avenues for climate justice for present and future generations. It was prepared with a broad coalition of 17 countries, including Angola, Bangladesh, Germany, Mozambique, New Zealand, Portugal and Vietnam.