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New water supply project for Vao community in Malekula

Japan’s Government has provided Grant Assistance worth VT21,824,715 to fund a project that will provide water supply to the Vao area in Malekula, Vanuatu.

Japan’s Ambassador to Vanuatu, Chiba Hirohisa, signed the Grant contract with Erickson Sammy, Acting Director General of the Ministry, to formalize the assistance on Friday.

The project will improve the water supply system and sanitation/hygiene environment for Vao area with the installation of two solar pumps, water distribution pipelines and 62 shared water taps.

The project includes training for committee members of the community in areas like operation and maintenance to ensure the reliable access to safe water and sanitation.

The water supply system has not worked for many years in Vao.

Residents are no longer able to use the water supply system established in the 1980s.

“It is our great pleasure to be able to support around 800 local people to overcome the difficulties they have faced for many years by ensuring sufficient safe water supply for their daily needs through this project,” Ambassador Hirohisa said.

“The supply of safe water is fundamental to people’s lives and Japan’s commitment to this sector is consistent with Vanuatu’s National Sustainable Development Plan.”

Photo supplied Caption: Japan’s Ambassador to Vanuatu Chiba Hirohisa and Director of the Department of Water Resources Erickson Sammy exchange the signed documents.