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Kastamonu: A ride through Turkey’s charming hidden gem

Doha News packed its bags and flew with Turkish Airlines to visit one of Turkey’s hidden destinations, giving you the ultimate tourist guide.

Nestled amidst the pristine beauty of Turkey, the northern city of Kastamonu stands as a hidden gem awaiting to be discovered by keen globetrotters.

The city boasts a captivating blend of history, culture, and natural wonders and is located in the lush green landscapes of the Black Sea region, further accentuating its pristine geolocation.

Stretching from ancient fortresses and Ottoman architecture to breathtaking mountain ranges and villages, Kastamonu offers an unforgettable experience for those seeking a calm getaway that is balanced well with adventure and suspense.

Kastamonu has quickly become a favourite due to its must-visit tourist destinations and fresh air that is sure to infiltrate the lungs of those long accustomed to city life.

Here is our list of must-see spots in Kastamonu:

Ilıca Waterfall

Cascading from a height of approximately 60 metres, the mesmerising Ilıca Waterfall, located in the village of Ilıca, is a spot that should not go unnoticed.

As we embarked on our one hour through the Horma canyon and a half hike to reach the captivating waterfall, we were stunned by the natural beauty on the way, a sight made possible to experience by a sturdy, man-made boardwalk.

Approximately 3.6 kilometres later, we stood facing it – the Ilıca Waterfall. Expressions drenched in shock and awe as we captured photographs and appreciated the surrounding lush vegetations.

It is the perfect spot to unwind, capture memories, and appreciate the raw power and tranquility of nature.

The beauty of the trail masked over the longevity of the distance, making it a smooth hike for even the least enthusiastic of walkers.

Ilgaz Mountain National Park

The Ilgaz Mountain National Park is a nature lover’s paradise just waiting to be explored. Adorned by the giant greens, the majestic peaks of Mount Ilgaz offer a striking view.

As our legs hung over the distant paradise beneath, an overwhelming abundance of oak and fir trees, everything suddenly seemed small, minuscule and insignificant.

Taking on a birds eye view as we were smoothly transported across the plains by telecabins offered by the ski resort, Ilgaz Yurduntepe Ski Centre, the scenery was nothing short of majestic.

Shortly after, we landed atop a hill that overlooked the rest of the forest – known to house a rich array of wildlife, including brown bears, grey wolves, and rare bird species.

During the winter months, the park transforms into a snow-covered wonderland, attracting winter sports enthusiasts. Skiing and snowboarding are popular activities that allow visitors to make the most of the pristine slopes and powdery snow.

Azdavay Equestrian Centre

Set against the backdrop of green hills and meadows, the Azdavay Equestrian Centre offers a unique experience for riders of all levels, as well as those simply seeking a connection with these majestic animals.

The cozy restaurant there offers local food and dishes unique to the area, adding to the exciting palette experience during the trip. No doubt, the dishes are sure to be especially exhilarating for avid foodies and adventurous eaters.

Catak Kanyon Glass Terace

Perched on the edge of a natural splendour in the Catak Canyon, the glass terrace offers a thrilling experience that combines adrenaline-pumping excitement packed with beautiful panoramic views.

Suspended high above the rugged Catak Canyon, this glass platform is a must-visit destination for adventurers seeking an unforgettable encounter with nature.

The canyon stretches out before you, revealing its majestic cliffs and cascading waterfalls.

The sound of the serene waterfalls becomes one with the green and grand scenery beneath your feet.


The town of Safranbolu, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is renowned for its well-preserved Ottoman architecture, cobblestone streets, and warming atmosphere.

Explore the historic Safranbolu Houses, visit the Cinci Han Caravanserai, and immerse yourself in the vibrant local markets.

Safranbolu also offers a delightful culinary experience with its traditional Turkish cuisine and local delicacies.