Sarawak Deputy Police Commissioner Datuk Mancha Ata said police had received a report about the post made on an FB account with the name ‘Engkecong Kampung’ on September 26. — Picture by Ahmad Zamzahuri
KUCHING, Sept 29 — Sarawak police are tracking down the owner of a Facebook account who sent a post deemed to be seditious that can potentially inflame racial sentiments in the state on September 23.
Sarawak Deputy Police Commissioner Datuk Mancha Ata said police had received a report about the post made on an FB account with the name “Engkecong Kampung” on September 26.
“On September 23, the owner of the account posted an inflammatory message, urging all Dayaks to gather at the Sibu Court on October 17.
“An investigation paper has been opened under Section 4 (1) of the Sedition Act 1948 and Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998,” he said at the Sarawak Police Contingent Headquarters here today.
Meanwhile, Mancha advised the community to use social media prudently and not to issue statements of a seditious nature that could disrupt the peace of a multi-racial community.
“Strict action will be taken against any party that has malicious intent to breach the unity of our multi-ethnic people,” he said. — Bernama