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Disappointing of Sabah Pakatan to drop suit against Putrajaya before promises fulfilled, Shafie says

Disappointing of Sabah Pakatan to drop suit against Putrajaya before promises fulfilled, Shafie says

Parti Warisan president Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal said he was disappointed that Sabah Pakatan Harapan had dropped the lawsuit against Putrajaya after they had insisted so hard on filling in before. — Picture by Firdaus Latif

KOTA KINABALU, Sept 30 — Parti Warisan has today taken former allies Sabah Pakatan Harapan (PH) to task for dropping the latter’s lawsuit against Putrajaya after forming the federal government.

Its president Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal said he was disappointed that the coalition had dropped the suit after they had insisted so hard on filling in before, and was now ready to drop it before the demands were fulfilled.

“They have insisted on fighting for our state’s rights by filing the lawsuit,” he said, referring to Sabah PH.

“Initially, I had told them there was no need to bring this to court and directly negotiate with the federal government, but they insisted on doing it anyway, so now they should just let the court decide. Why retract it now?” he asked when asked by reporters about the controversial withdrawal of the suit.

He said that the state’s argument was solid as its claims of the 40 per cent return of revenue were enshrined in the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) and it was just a matter of fulfilling the promise.

“I am quite disappointed with what they’re saying now,” he said, while expressing hope that they would continue to fight for what the state rightfully deserves.

He cautioned the federal government not to use the excuse of not having enough resources in order not to fulfil their part of the agreement made prior to the formation of Malaysia.

“What we want is for the agreement to be fulfilled. It is up to them to look into it... Do not resort to saying they do not have the money. The federal government cannot keep delaying the payment of what is owed to Sabah by harping on government debts or the lack of funds to fulfil the MA63.

“But money for the Penang bridge, you have?” asked Shafie.

Last year, 12 Sabah PH elected representatives filed a claim against the federal government in the High Court to seek Sabah rights to its entitlement for the return of 40 per cent federal revenue from the state.

They sought a declaration that Sabah is entitled to 40 per cent of revenue from the federal government to be annually returned, and for the federal government to disclose the amount of net revenue it derives from Sabah annually.

However, they recently announced that they were withdrawing the suit, given the amount of progress which has been achieved since PH formed the unity government, which many saw as a pandering move.

Shafie said that there was still a similar suit filed by the Sabah Law Society that was still in the legal process.