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5 signs that new job offer is not right for you

Be wary of red flags – for example, if the hiring manager pressures you to accept the job, or is vague and evasive. (Envato Elements pic)

You’ve been busy updating your resumé, filling out applications, networking, and going to interviews. Now all your hard work has paid off: you’ve received a job offer! So why aren’t you more excited about it?

Following your gut is important. If the prospect of joining the company you’ve interviewed for fills you with anxiety or unease, there may be a good reason.

Here are five reasons you may want to consider turning down a new position that has been offered to you.

1. The pay isn’t good enough

With your job offer, you should have an overview of work hours, pay, benefits, vacation days and more. If what the company is offering isn’t competitive – especially when it comes to salary – and you’ve seen other firms with much better deals, take note.

While businesses have been hit hard in the last few years, it should be even more reason for them to invest in skilled workers.

So, consider your worth and what other companies will pay you. If they don’t meet your expectations, it’s best to turn them down. Otherwise, you might feel underappreciated, underpaid, and resentful after a few months.

Of course, if the position or organisation is one you really wish to sign up for and you can live with the lower pay, there is nothing wrong with saying yes.

2. No opportunity for growth

No matter your age, it’s important to keep your career moving forward. If you can’t learn and grow on the job, it can quickly get repetitive and boring.

So, look for a company that allows you to move up and learn new skills, branch out and work in different parts of the organisation, or take on new classes and training programmes.

It’s also good to know that you might get promoted in the future. This is harder with higher-level jobs, but there should always be room for advancement.

If you’ve been given a job offer that feels like a dead end with no talk of career growth, it’s probably best for your future self to turn it down.

Before accepting, make sure the firm’s values align with yours and you’re happy with the terms of their offer. (Envato Elements pic)

3. Mismatched ideals

You can learn more about the company’s mission, vision, and values from the job description, company website, and the interview itself. If you don’t agree with these, it’s not the right fit for you.

You should, after all, be excited about the work you do every day and the difference your company makes in the world. So, if you care about the planet, you might not want to work for a company that actively hurts the environment.

4. Boss gives you a hard time

Is your prospective employer already putting pressure on you to take the job offer or move on? A company that is desperate to fill a position may not be interested in your experience or what you can bring to the firm .

Hence, if you feel like you have to make a choice quickly, it’s a big red flag. You should reject the offer and look for an organisation that values you and your specific skills.

5. Indecision or lack of clarity

During the interview, you’ll have the chance to ask your own questions. It is of utmost concern if the interviewer is vague or secretive at any point.

If the hiring manager doesn’t wish to talk about aspects of the job, perks, pay, remote-work arrangements or anything else, it’s likely they have something to hide. That means you should definitely say no.

With all the above, make sure you tell them no politely and in a fair amount of time. And even if you turn down their offer, you should send them a follow-up email thanking them for their time and for meeting with you.

This article was originally written by Anisa Aznan for, an online job site that specialises in providing jobseekers with the latest job opportunities by matching talented individuals with reputable companies in Malaysia. Find your dream job with over 40,000 job vacancies in Malaysia.