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Former AFORD Treasurer Jones Makuya joins UTM in Mulanje

Robert Ngwira
Robert Ngwira

Attended Our Future Private Secondary School in Rumphi from 2006-2009 Holder of Diploma in Journalism from Malawi Institute of Journalism (MIJ) Hobbies, reading newspapers, going out with friends, listening to radio and watching football. Email: [email protected]

Former Treasurer General of the Alliance for Democracy, Jones Makuya, National Organizing Secretary Austin Bowoke Munthali, and 80 others have joined the UTM Party.

Makuya told the press that the only hope Malawians have is UTM and its president, Dr. Saulos Chilima.

UTM’s Director of Strategic Planning, Norman Nyirenda, said the party is overwhelmed that its leadership is attracting more people from different political parties.

The former Aford officials and members were welcomed at Chisitu Primary School in Mulanje district.

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