Holy See
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Father Marko Rupnik Corrects the Society of Jesus: He Asked to Leave First and with Him All the Jesuits of the Aletti Center

Following the Statement issued by the Society of Jesus regarding the expulsion from the Order of Marko Ivan Rupnik for reiterated disobedience, the Directress of the Aletti Center published a letter on the Center’s Website in which, in fact, she answers and contradicts the reasons adduced by the Jesuits for the expulsion of the Slovenian Jesuit. 

According to Maria Campatelli, Directress of the Aletti Center, “the event that led to his dismissal merits a reconstruction that takes into account at least other elements.”

According to Rupnik’s disciple, there are three elements:

1st “Inexplicably, the press release of the D.I.R. (Interprovincial Houses and Works of the Society of Jesus), fails to make known that it was Father Marko Rupnik himself, already on January 21, who, observing all the canonical conditions exacted, presented

a request to the Society of Jesus allowing him to leave the Order, given that his confidence in his Superiors eroded completely once the latter, unfortunately, demonstrated repeatedly that they favoured a media campaign based on defamatory and unproven accusations (which exposed Father Rupnik and the whole Aletti Center to lynching), instead of furnishing correct information to the press based on acts and documents in their power, which demonstrated a truth different from that published.”

2nd “(. . .) the D.I.R.’s press release fails to mention that, for the same reasons of mistrust to their Superiors, the rest of the Jesuits of the Aletti Center also requested the indult to leave the Society and are awaiting the conclusion of the pertinent procedure to be able to continue exercising their priestly ministry.”

3rd “In this context, centered on Father Rupnik’s previous request to leave the Order, the illogic seems intuitive of the new missio with transfer entrusted to him on March 9, unless the intention is to understand its purely instrumental end of pre-constituting (as in fact happened) the presupposition for a disobedience on which to then base the Decree of Destitution.”

The Directress of the Aletti Center and disciple of Marko Rupnik, accused and condemned for psychological and sexual abuses against adult women, added that “Hence, it’s presumable that Father Rupnik remains firm in his already expressed desire to leave the Order, continuing to live this moment in discernment and ecclesial communion.”