World record set earlier this year by Ethiopian Emane Seifu have now been ratified.
Emane Seifu’s women-only 50km world record, Mika Sosna’s world U20 discus record from 2022, and Kaila Jackson’s equaling of the world U20 indoor 60m record are the latest to be ratified.
The Ethiopian won the 50km at the Nedbank Runified Breaking Barriers Ultramarathon in 3:00:30, taking almost four minutes off the previous women-only record of 3:04:24, set by South Africa’s Irvette van Zyl in Port Elizabeth on 23 May 2021.
Emane maintained a steady pace throughout, going through 10km in 36:09 before reaching the half-way mark in 1:30:28. She went through the marathon checkpoint in 2:32:21 and completed the race with a negative split for the second half.
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