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Winners of religious subjects contest in Kabul receive AWCC prizes

(Last Updated On: June 21, 2023)

Winners of a religious subjects competition among top students of public and private schools, which was held last week, received prizes from the Afghan Wireless Communication Company (AWCC).

Deputy Minister of Education welcomed such competitions and asked businessmen and investors to cooperate with the Islamic Emirate in the field of education.

“This was a first step that was taken. This step must be followed. Other businessmen should come and invest in this sector. Companies should invest in education,” Sibghatullah Wasil, Finance and Administration Deputy of the Ministry of Education, said.

AWCC officials said that they will continue to support the education sector in the country.

“AWCC considers financial support of such cultural programs at the provincial level as its religious responsibility,” Mohammad Khan Yaqubi, a representative of AWCC, said.

Some of the participants in the competition called for holding contest in other subjects as well.

“I am indebted to my teachers and parents who really worked hard for me and I was able to obtain such a result,” Ferdous, a student, said.

More than 200 outstanding Grade 12 students from sixteen educational districts of Kabul city participated in the competition, and the winner of the first place received a laptop, the second place holder received a mobile phone, and the third place holder received a bicycle from AWCC.