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Two shepherds killed in landmine explosion in Afghanistan’s Faryab

Provincial authorities in Faryab report that two young shepherds lost their lives due to the explosion of a landmine in the Grizwan district of this province.

Shamsullah Mohammadi, the head of information and culture in Faryab province, told the media that this incident occurred Monday in the Grizwan district when the two shepherds were playing with a landmine.

According to officials, the victims of this incident were a 12-year-old boy and a 17-year-old boy, both of whom were engaged in shepherding in the Ghulian area of this province.

Unexploded landmines from past wars continue to detonate in various country regions, claiming civilian lives.

Previously, landmine explosions from past wars in Faryab province had also claimed people’s lives, especially children.

Based on statistics, nearly 606 square kilometres of Afghan soil is contaminated with unexploded landmines and explosive materials.

Experts say that to prevent such tragic events, the government and mine-clearance organizations should launch public awareness campaigns through media and educational programs to educate people about the dangers of landmines.