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SCO Summit Calls For Democratic, Neutral and Inclusive Govt in Afghanistan

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states called for a democratic, independent, inclusive government in Afghanistan. They considered the resolution in the country as the most important factor of regional stability, according to a Joint New Delhi statement on Tuesday.

“The Member States believe that one of the most important factors of preservation and strengthening of safety and stability within SCO region is the early settlement of the situation in Afghanistan. They advocate building Afghanistan as an independent, neutral, united, democratic and peaceful state, free from terrorism, war and drugs,” the statement said.

The summit also emphasized the importance of creating an inclusive administration with the participation of all political, religious, and ethnic groups.

“The Member States consider it essential to establish an inclusive government in Afghanistan with the participation of representatives of all ethnic, religious and political groups in Afghan society,” the document added.

The declaration also emphasized the international community’s need to support Afghan refugees’ safe and long-term return to their country.  

“Stressing the importance of long-term hospitality and effective assistance provided to the Afghan refugees by regional and neighbouring countries of Afghanistan, the Member States consider important the active efforts of the international community to facilitate their dignified, safe and sustainable return to their homeland,” the document read.

The statement also said, “In view of the evolving humanitarian situation in Afghanistan, the Member States supported continued efforts to assist the Afghan people.”

Meanwhile, the prime minister of Pakistan, Shahbaz Sharif, urged the international community to ‘meaningfully engage’ with Afghanistan to move forward.

He also said that the Taliban must ensure that Afghanistan soil is not used for terrorism.

“Similarly, the interim Afghan government must also take concrete measures to ensure its soil is not used for terrorism by any entity. A peaceful and stable Afghanistan will not only bring economic dividends to the Afghan people. However, it will also unlock the true economic potential of the SCO region as well as contribute to global peace, security, and progress. The SCO Afghanistan contact group is important in providing a platform for practical cooperation,” Sharif said.

On the other hand, the Indian Prime Minister said that Afghan territory should not be used against neighbouring countries, and he forced the member states to strive for Afghanistan’s welfare and provide the country with humanitarian aid.