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Pakistan and UN envoys discuss recognition of IEA

(Last Updated On: July 25, 2023)

After a three-day trip to Kabul, Asif Durrani, Pakistan’s special representative for Afghanistan, met with Feridun Sinirlioğlu, the UN’s special coordinator for Afghanistan, and said that they discussed the recognition of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

Late on Monday Durrani posted on his Twitter page a picture of the meeting with the UN special coordinator and described their discussion as “fundamental”.

Pakistan’s Special Representative for Afghanistan Affairs posted a list of topics discussed but did not provide details.

According to Durrani, “recognition of the Taliban regime, TTP sanctuaries, women’s rights, banking restrictions, blocked accounts and the humanitarian crisis played a prominent role in the talks.”

The UN envoy has not yet said anything about the meeting.

Durrani recently had a three-day trip to Kabul, where he met with the officials of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and discussed various issues.