The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) announced it would conduct a meeting in Jeddah where it would deep the perpetrators for burning the Holy Quran in Sweden as “terrorists” in response to the incident.
The meeting, slated for the following week, will discuss measures to devise a joint strategy. The organization denounced the continuation of these heinous attacks in a statement.
The European Union also denounced the desecration before the main mosque in Stockholm, calling it “offensive, disrespectful, and a clear act of provocation.”
“Manifestations of racism, xenophobia and related intolerance have no place in Europe,” Nabila Massrali, the EU spokesperson for foreign affairs and security policy, said in a statement.
She added, “It is even more deplorable that such an act was carried out on the important Muslim celebration of Eidul Azha.”
“Racism, hatred, and intolerance have no place in Europe. It is time to stand together for mutual understanding and respect. Time has come to stop the escalating conflict.”
Most Islamic countries condemned the desecration of the Holy Quran, including Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Tunisia, Palestine and others.
In the meantime, protesters in Iraq entered the Swedish embassy in Baghdad and voiced their vehement opposition to the activities there.
Afghanistan, too, condemned the desecration of the Holy Quran, “Permission for such despicable acts in front of a mosque on one of the holiest days of Islam shows nothing more than the utter contempt towards this noble religion and its close to two billion adherents by the Swedish authorities,” Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
“We call on all Muslim states and organizations, particularly the OIC, to take all appropriate measures in response to such odious acts across the world,” the statement added.