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Muttaqi meets with ambassadors and special envoys in Doha

(Last Updated On: August 2, 2023)

The foreign ministry of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan said on Wednesday that the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mawlawi Amir Khan Muttaqi, along with his delegation met with ambassadors and special representatives of several countries based in Qatar.

According to the ministry a meeting was attended by representatives of the United States, UK, Spain, South Korea, Holland, Italy, Australia and Canada. Muttaqi in turn had all-round detailed discussions regarding the recent progress IEA made in politics economy, security, good governance, and countering drugs.
He also provided information ooregarding the commencement of hundreds of projects in the country.

Later, the Deputy Director of the Red Crescent of Afghanistan, Mullah Nooruddin Turabi highlighted the activities of the organization. Being an independent body in the country, the needs that Afghan Red Crescent will have in the near future were also mentioned.

“During the meeting, the Director General of Treasury of the MoF Afghanistan, Nusratullah Mahmood, gave information about the financial and economic situation of Afghanistan in the light of facts and figures,” read the statement.

Likewise, Muhammad Abbas Sameh, the General Manager of Afghanistan Bank’s Operations Market, presented information to the participants regarding the transparency, developments and mechanisms in the banking sector of Afghanistan.

Muttaqi and his delegation provided answers in detail to the questions and concerns raised by the ambassadors of various countries, adding that this “centre of representation” should be in Afghanistan rather than carrying out its mission for Afghanistan from far.