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Kandahar reports rise in melon yield

(Last Updated On: July 8, 2023)

Officials in the Directorate of Agriculture and Livestock in Kandahar say that the yield of melons and watermelons in the province has increased this year.

They say that although lesser melons and watermelons have been cultivated compared to last year, this year has seen greater yields.

According to them, about 12,000 tons of watermelons and melons will be harvested from Kandahar province this year.

“Melons are grown on 800 hectares of land, and the yield reaches 6,000 tons. Watermelon has been cultivated in 600 hectares of land, and its yield reaches 6,000 tons,” Emal Hakimi, director of the Kandahar Fruit and Vegetable Processing Department, said.

A number of farmers say that they are satisfied with the price of watermelon and melon.

“We are busy with transfers to Kabul and Ghazni. Alhamdulillah, the rates are very reasonable,” Lalai, a farmer in Kandahar, said.

According officials, Afghan watermelon and melons were exported to regional countries, especially India, last year. It is not clear whether or not this year too there will be exports.