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Forcefully Displacing, Relocating Ethnic Groups Should be Stopped in Afghanistan: CSTO

The foreign ministers of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) demanded that the forced displacement and relocation of ethnic and religious groups in Afghanistan should be stopped.

The foreign ministers of CSTO in a joint statement on Tuesday emphasized they respect the fundamental rights of all ethnic groups in Afghanistan.

The statement was released by the foreign ministers of Russia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Armenia.

After the return of the Taliban to power, reports emerged that forced displacement of Tajiks, Hazaras, Turkmen and Uzbeks took place in different parts of Afghanistan.

In the recent past, several families from Pakistan’s tribal areas were transferred to northern Takhar province according to sources.

Some sources said that these migrants are Pakistani nationals, while others believe they are displaced Afghans who have been affected by prolonged years of war and conflict.  

Nearly a week ago, Taliban’s spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid confirmed that refugees from Pakistan’s North Waziristan will be relocated to some parts of Afghanistan.

In the recent past, reports emerged that the Pakistani government reached an agreement with the Afghan Taliban to transfer Pakistani Taliban members to northern Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, anti-Taliban fronts have warned that the relocating members of TTP in northern Afghanistan will lead the country to deeper internal and external crises, even to the partition of the country.  

Afghanistan shares a border with certain members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization in its northern borders.